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Details of the abstract
Presentation Poster presentation
Title Forest Management in North-East Namibia: An interdisciplinary Analysis

Short title Forest Management

Author(s) Pröpper, M.(1); Falk, T.(2); Hinz, M.(3); Mapaure, C.(3)

Presenting author Michael Pröpper

Institution(s) (1) University of Hamburg, Institute of Social Anthropology; (2) University of Marburg, Department of Business Administration and Economics, Institute for Cooperation in Developing Countries; (3) University of Namibia, Faculty of Law, Department Public Law and jurisprudence

Keywords Deforestation, logging, enforcement, customary law, tenure, Kavango

Abstract This poster will depict the exemplary problem of illegal logging in the Kavango region of Namibia and the institutional challenges for forest management. The forest savannah of North-Eastern Namibia is one of the few remaining resources of wood and wood products in a country threatened with deforestation. Against a background of rapid economic and social transformations the majority of multi-ethnic population still depends on subsistence natural resource use. In contrast, timber and timber products are harvested mainly for commercial purpose. Poor enforcement of national laws, unclear distribution of property rights, conflicts between statutory and customary law, timber prices not reflecting the full costs of logging, as well as high transaction costs of the government’s permit system lead to a situation where critical numbers of valuable tree species are cut at an unsustainable rate. In order to increase the stakeholders awareness of the problem BIOTA made a documentary awareness film on illegal timber harvesting.

Congress Topic Land use, impact and value

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Ref. No. 591