Weather data
A large number of automatic weather stations has been implemented in the frame of the BIOTA AFRICA project by the Namibian National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and the Group "Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology" (BEE) of the University of Hamburg. The website offers hourly updates of data and graphs of a large number of weather parameters.


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List of BIOTA subprojects in eastern Africa and southern Arabia (Phase I):

Subproject E01
Biodiversity in conversion - The influence of fragmentation and man-made exploitation on the biodiversity of tropical montane forests

Subproject E02
Impact of biodiversity change on the exchange potential of trace gases between ecosystems and atmosphere

Subproject E03
Regeneration of tropical-montane tree species: dynamics of feedback processes in time and space and their modelling

Subproject E04
The influence of anthropogenous and natural fragmentation on diversity of flora and vegetation in upland and montane rainforests of Central and East Africa

Subproject E06
Lepidoptera as indicator organisms for human impact on tropical rain forest systems in East Africa

Subproject E07
Diversity and species composition of Odonata as indicators of biotope quality of East African rainforests and their replacement communities

Subproject E08
Measuring and monitoring amphibian diversity in East Africa: separating global from regional and local causes

Subproject E09
Influence of land use modes on diversity, abundance and guild structure of coprophagous beetles in the African forest-savanna-mosaic

Subproject E10
Effects of rainforest fragmentation on plant-insect and plant-pollinator interactions in Kakamega forest

Subproject E11
Effect of fragmentation on seed dispersal, regeneration and dynamics of an East African rain forest

Subproject E12
Montane forest ecosystems in Kenya: diversity and potential for use

Subproject E13
Phytodiversity and vegetation types of representative paleo-African refugia in the coastal mountains of southern Yemen and on Socotra (Republic of Yemen)

Subproject E14
Ecological causes of biodiversity in paleo-African refugia in the coastal mountains of southern Yemen and on Socotra (Republic of Yemen)

Subproject E15
Phylogeographical and population genetic aspects of phytodiversity in paleo-African refugia in the coastal mountains of southern Yemen and on Socotra (Republic of Yemen)

Subproject E16
Evolutionary history and phylogeography of South Arabian faunal elements